February 3, 2025: We welcome Joseph Costello to the lab. He has a PhD in ECE From UM and brings an expertise in machine learning and real-time BCIs. Looking forward to working together!
January 30, 2025: FDA has granted us approval for an IDE that allows chronic implantation of Blackrock microelectrode arrays for investigational use.
January 20, 2025: Our manuscript entitled "A high-performance brain–computer interface for finger decoding and quadcopter game control in an individual with paralysis" was published in Nature Medicine.
We believe iBCIs that can control individuated fingers will allow for more complex interactions between humans and computers.
Check out some of the articles covering this publication: Michigan News, Nature News, New Scientist, SER, DroneXL, News Medical, singularityhub, BBC Radio 5 live (Jan. 20, 2025)
Nick Ramsey and Mariska J. Vansteensel present a thoughtful analysis of ours and related BCI work in their article entitled: "The expanding repertoire of brain–computer interfaces"
November 1, 2024: Congratulations to Joseph Costello for his successful defense of his thesis entitled: "Toward High Performance, Power Efficient Brain-Machine Interfaces"
August 1, 2024: It’s my pleasure to welcome Matt Mender, PhD to the lab. Matt just finished his PhD in Chestek Lab and brings with him substantial experience in real-time BCI algorithms and functional electrical stimulation.
August 1, 2024: The lab moves to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
March 12, 2024: Great to have the team from Psyionic visit the lab
March 8, 2024: Brain-Computer Interfaces featured at the Hook 'Em House at SXSW in Austin. Read more here.
Matt Mender presenting his work at the Annual Meeting for the Society for Neuroscience 2024